Monday 28 May 2012

Travelers Rest by Ann Tatlock

Back Cover: A young woman determined to honor her commitment. An injured soldier convinced life is no longer worth living. A retired doctor certain it's too late to be forgiven.

Jane Morrow has a dilemma, and love alone may not solve it. Her faith has never been strong, yet somehow she hopes God will answer her prayers and tell her what to do. The answer she finds may not be at all what she expected...

Review: A 'Travelers Rest' by Ann Tatlock is a very fitting title for this novel. This story is about life, hardship, and ultimately forgiveness: from Jane who is struggling to put her dream back together with her best friend and soon-to-be-husband after a sniper's bullet in Iraq shot him through the neck, to Seth who has always lived and loved with his hands and can now hardly do more than speak, to Dr. Rockaway who believes past wrongs are above forgiveness, and finally to Jon-Paul a young lawyer who's bright future was plunged into darkness with the strike of a rare and vicious disease.

This novel is about life. Real life - the way most of us live it: struggling, failing, trying again, and at the end of it all, realizing that through life is uncertain, God is with you through it right to the end. Through the mire and muck that can seem impenetrable, there also shines the rays of forgiveness, love, and strength. This novel is about -  hope.

"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Available at your favourite bookseller from Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing Group"

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