Monday 11 March 2019

Rise of the Mystics by Ted Dekker

Review: "Rise of the Mystics" takes off right where the first book, the "49th Mystic" left off. This is one of those series that you definitely can not read "Rise of the Mystics" without reading the "49th Mystic" first. Well, I suppose you could... but you wouldn't understand it at all. You can find the review to the "49th Mystic" on my blog as well.

I found the "49th Mystic" completely riveting and I would say the same for "Rise of the Mystics". These books take you on a wild ride and stretch your comprehension of our world. The parallels that Ted Dekker draws between our world and the scenarios he has created in this series lead to in-depth thought and contemplation. The truths revealed about our Lord are powerful and force you to pause and give your own faith some serious contemplation.

This is not a light read nor an easy one, but it is certainly worthwhile. I would recommend both books in this series.

Thank you to Graf-Martin Communications and to Baker Publishing Group for a copy of this novel

Back Cover: Some say the great mystery of how one can live in two worlds at once died with Thomas Hunter many years ago. Still others that the gateway to that greater reality was and is only the stuff of dreams. They are all wrong. 

Rachelle Matthews, who grew up in the small town of Eden, Utah, discovered just how wrong when she dreamed and awoke in another world. There she learned that she is the 49th Mystic, the prophesied one, tasked with finding five ancient seals before powerful enemies destroy her. If Rachelle succeeds in her quest, peace will reign. If she fails, the world will forever be locked in darkness.

In The 49th Mystic, Rachelle found the first three of those five seals through great peril and mind-altering adventure. But two seals remain hidden, and the fate of both worlds hangs in the balance.

As Rachelle sits deep in a dungeon, Vlad Smith is just getting started. Thomas Hunter's world is about to be turned inside out.

So begins the final volume of high stakes in one girl's quest to find an ancient path that will save humanity. The clock is ticking; the end rushes forward. 

Ready? Set?


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